#NowPH: One Million Filipino Youth Voices For Climate Action

“So much has been said about the Climate Change but less has been done to act on it”. -SLB

National Youth Commission (NYC) commissioner Dingdong Dantes head on to call the youth of today to stand against climate change. He urged the younger generation to make a difference by spreading awareness about the cause and effect, prevention and solution for the climate change via social media accounts. By then people would become more aware of the current situation thereby encouraging them to do the same.

#NowPH Campaign

“Not on Our Watch” (NOW) is a campaign that will empower young people to help raise public consciousness on the science of climate change and on ways to lead a climate-resilient and climate-smart lifestyle. The campaign is spearheaded by the Climate Change Commission and the National Youth Commssion, supported by various partners such as USAID and French Embassie Manille. It aims to unite the voice of the Filipino youth to support climate action in time in time for the 21st Conference of Parties (COP) in Paris, France this December 2015.

#NowPH creates an avenue for the youth to be at the forefront of this campaign to fulfill at least one of the Fifteen Ways towards Low Emmission Development Strategies (LEDS).

15 Ways to Low Emmission Development Strategies (LEDS)

1. Grow a tree
2. Switch off and unplug
3. Goodbye plastic
4. Segregate
5. Reduce, reuse and recycle
6. No burning of wastes
7. Promote renewable energy
8. Bring your own tumbler
9. Use enrgy efficient appliances
10. Walk, bike and carpool
11. Recycle electronics and batteries
12. Familiarize yourself with environmental and energy laws
13. Save water: use pail, dipper and cups
14. Think before you print
15. Support earth-friendly products.

Dantes says that the voice of the youth can be heard collectively and to rally the Filipino youth, they have to sign up on www.nowph.org or offline platforms such as on-ground signature campaigns, media promotions, and workshops. At least 1 million signatures and pledges gathered will be presented by the Youth Commission’s himself Dindong Dantes and Climate Change Commission’s Lucille Sering to French President Francois Holland at the Paris Climate Summit this December 2015 in Paris, France.

I live with the mantra that "ambition without knowledge is like a boat in a dry land." In many ways I strive to be the best I can. I'm adventurous, genuine, generous warm spirited, eager to jump in action, and is driven by the desire of being loved and admired.

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