5 Signs A Girl Is Interested In You

It is said that girls are very complex in nature, as a result, they will frequently give subtle, non-verbal indicators that they’d like guys. So here comes the latest San Mig Light TV Commercial on their Facebook Page shows how the newest celebrity endorsers Tom Rodriguez and Joseph Marco can spot on 5 signs a girl is interested to a guy.

Spot these signs like a pro and you're sure to have a #MahabaHabangInuman like Tom Rodriguez and Joseph Marco. Look good, feel good, meet more.ASC REF No. S014P120216S

Nai-post ni San Mig Light Drinkers noong Biyernes, Pebrero 24, 2017


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Here’s how to know if a girl likes you then and its up to you to do the moves.

Plays with her hair

Girls are known for their “preening” gestures, that is making small adjustments to her hair. Take note that they are playing with their hair – smoothing it down, twining it around their finger or brushing it slowly away from their face.

Bites her lip
Biting lips is incredibly powerful and intimate indication that she is into you! But make sure she is into you not to the guy next to you.

Turns her body towards you
You will notice that girl will position themselves in such a way as to be in your immediate orbit. Watch her body language!

She glances repeatedly
Checking you out routinely and trying to get a good picture of what you are. If you happen to notice her looking at you when she thinks you don’t know it, you really caught her attention if you’re the only guy in the room.

And then finally she asks you…

“San Mig Light? Pareho pala tayo?” That is sun sealed delivered to you!

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Always remember, first impressions can make or break that is why you always offer a drink or two of San Mig Light which is a low calorie beer (100 calorie content/330ml bottle) to keep you always looking good and feeling good all night!

Once you get her full attention, be ready for a longer conversation and it will gonna be a long day for both of you. #mahabahabanginuman

Image may contain: one or more people, drink and text

As Tom Rodriguez and Joseph Marco shows on San Miguel Light TVC, learn to recognize when girls want you to approach and bring your a-game.

I live with the mantra that "ambition without knowledge is like a boat in a dry land." In many ways I strive to be the best I can. I'm adventurous, genuine, generous warm spirited, eager to jump in action, and is driven by the desire of being loved and admired.

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