BusinessWorld Introduces Its Newest Successor In The Age Of Disruptive Innovation: SparkUp

After three decades of award-winning economic reportage, BusinessWorld, the country’s leading business newspaper, introduces its newest successor in the age of disruptive innovation: SparkUp.

SparkUp is a space for the community of young, passionate, and wildly aspiring go-getters. Its assets include the website, socila media accounts @SparkUpPH, and quaterly published magazine.

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Mr. Lucien Dy Tioco, Exeutive Vice-President of PhilStar Media Group

The direction for a digital-first multimedia platform came from Lucien C. Dy tico, Exeutive Vice-President of Philippine Star Media Group, which BusinessWorld is part of. “SparkUp will prove to be a usefulplatform for business-minded millennials and centennials because it will not only serve as a source of business knowledge, but also a community where they can share ideas and inspire each other to turn business concepts into reality,” he said.

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Ms. Pola del Monte, Multimedia Editor – Spark-Up

Created and designed for the next generation of business people. SparkUp will not only turn BusinessWorld’s text-driven content hashtag categorizes the stories.

#MoneyMonday – Tips on money management with the latest news on saving, investing, and spending;

#TrendingTuesday – nsights on the latest trends and their impact on entreprenuers and consumers;

#WorkingWednesday – Workplace stories and tips for the Gen Y and Gen Z’s ethics and career outlooks;

#Takeoverthursday – An insider tour of a day in the life of the member of the Sparkommunity;

#FreshFriday- Stories on the lighter side of the business.

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Aside from the stories created by its team of journalist, SparkUp will also deliver insights from industry icons called Sparkfluencers who are young and trending business influencers who have made it to the top. They will write colmns and speak live in events to foster lerning and inspiration.

In order to boost awareness of business terms, SparkUp introduces Sparktionary. this built-in dictionary provides digestible definitions through interactive executions readily available for every reader.

Signing up to SparkUp via will give users additional capacities, such us contributing their own content, highlighting passages of interest, taking down note, bookmarking stories, and participating ina gamefied platform.

First and only of its kind, SparkUp turns need to daily business fix into a fun game. Logged-in users can earn as much coins as they can, especiallywhen engagement in the website increases. In addition to this, badge can be collected by following a set of parameters, such as getting your contributed story to the home page, this leads to the accumulation of more coins which can be instantly used to buy items at the Marketplace, including actual copies of the print issue and passes to SparkUp events.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smilingSparkUp will also regularly hold a series of events aimed at empowering the Sparkommunity. Among these events are entrepreneurial summits, pocket forums, campus activations, start-up competitions, and case-study activities. These will enable members of the Sparkommunity to learn, meet up, network, and find potential partners.


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I live with the mantra that "ambition without knowledge is like a boat in a dry land." In many ways I strive to be the best I can. I'm adventurous, genuine, generous warm spirited, eager to jump in action, and is driven by the desire of being loved and admired.

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