Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is a bunch of symptoms that even the strongest women would usually face several days before that time of the month. Feeling totally frazzled and waking up with a different kind of fatigue is a reality, a zit on the nose that wasn’t there a night before. And oh, those tender breasts plus the soreness and heaviness. Worst, you can’t stop thinking about that fudgy chocolate cake you saw on Instagram!
According to Anne Price, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, an average woman experiences PMS 450 times in her lifetime. While hormones play a part in these biological changes, there’s a way how to manage it by avoiding these foods that are likely to alleviate the symptoms.
1. Trans fats and hydrogenated fats
These are the nutritional bad words everyone should be aware of. Trans fats and hydrogenated fats are unhealthy by-products of a chemical process called hydrogenation. Manufacturers alter the fats to solidify liquid oils and lengthen shelf life and flavor of oils and foods that contain them. So, the next time you’re going to pick up margarine, crackers, cookies, and snack foods from the grocery shelves, read the labels and drop everything that says hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated even if the nutritional profile says 0% trans-fat. Go for saturated fats found in coconut or the healthier monounsaturated fats like olive and avocado oil.
2. Food allergens
Food allergies cause digestive issues and skin breakouts that are obvious signs of a possible hormonal imbalance. But what if you have no idea which food you are allergic to? Either you have yourself checked by a doctor or try an elimination diet. This diet is a three-to-six-week eating plan that eliminates potential food allergens and then reintroduces them one at a time to identify which ones your body does not tolerate well. Top eight foods that belong to the food allergen camp are milk, eggs, peanuts, nuts, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish.

3. High fructose corn syrup and refined sugar
High fructose corn syrup is a chemically produced sugar found in sodas and fruit-flavored drinks, while refined sugar is the ones usually stored in your pantry. It comes from sugar cane, processed to extract sugar used to sweeten cakes, desserts, cookies, coffee, and cereals. The difference between these and the natural sugars found in fruits is that the former have empty calories with no nutritional value while the latter are loaded with fiber and other nutrients that your body needs especially right before the shark week. The absence of fibers makes you digest these artificial sugars rapidly resulting in insulin and blood sugar skyrocket. The result? It fuels mood swings and worsens headaches and difficulty concentrating. That’s the reason as well why you don’t feel full even after giving in to your sweet tooth. But of course, you don’t have to deprive yourself especially when you’re PMSing to the max. Just stick to dark chocolates, dates, raw honey, and reach for stevia or coconut sugar as healthier alternatives!
4. Salt
Ever wonder why you’re bloated or your hands and feet swell during PMS? These symptoms are caused by none other than hormonal changes that cause water retention. And loading up on sodium will just make it worse. Swapping salty food with nuts and loading up on fruits and veggies are good choices to reduce the accumulation of water weight because of a diet that’s high in sodium!
5. Caffeine
PMS is usually associated with fatigue, mental exhaustion, and depression. A lot of women try to counter these by increasing caffeine intake. But because caffeine is a stimulant chemical, it causes increased heart rate and blood pressure. This consequently leads to tension, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and greater exhaustion. Its diuretic nature also increases urine production and triggers dehydration that is home to dysmenorrhea. Try herbal teas and decaffeinated liquids instead while going through PMS.
6. Alcohol
When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it alters the brain function that produces serotonin. Serotonin is called the “happy hormone” because it contributes to a person’s stability and well-being. It regulates mood, social behavior, appetite, sleep, memory, and sexual desire functions. It is also responsible in mood alterations and disorders. Now imagine, that PMS is at its peak and you decide to wreck them further by drinking your favorite bar drink. Not very helpful, right? And like the previous item, it is also diuretic. It will rob you of your much-needed bodily fluids that will lead to prolonged dysmenorrhea. That said, abstaining from drinking alcohol during this time is strongly encouraged.
Remember that diet plays a key role in balancing the fluctuating hormones in a woman’s body. But aside from choosing the right food, picking the right sanitary pads will keep you centered. The first anion sanitary pad in retail that’s available at Watson’s, Mercury Drug, all leading supermarkets and groceries nationwide, it’s also on offer at and The anion strip feature helps to ward off bacteria and fungi that cause a foul odor, while keeping its freshness up to 3 hours. The findings are a result of the clinical trial by the Laboratory of Inorganic Nanomaterials, Institute of Chemistry, UP Diliman that’s why women who are looking for a menstrual pad with better benefits should try Jeunesse Anion. On top of these unique benefits, it’s made from sterilized virgin pulp material that provides extraordinary softness and absorption capacity leaving you fresh and comfortable all day! Jeunesse Anion comes in ultra-day non-wing, ultra-day pad, ultra-night pad, all-night pad, and panty liner to help every woman to go through their period with ease and comfort.

Wellgold International Inc. distributes Jeunesse Anion Sanitary Napkin and Liners and currently available at Watsons, selected Mercury Drug and South Star Drug outlets, SM department store’s health and beauty section, Robinson’s Supermarket and selected department stores, Shopwise, Rustan’s Supermarket, Waltermart, Landmark Department Store, PCX stores, selected Metro Gaisano outlets, plus other selected stores in Visayas and Mindanao. For more health tips, visit and follow Facebook, YouTube and Instagram: Jeunesse Anion. For inquiries, email: or call (02) 4701294.