Why you should start saving up for your new Bria Home

Having a house of their own used to be a pipe dream for ordinary Filipino families. For most of them, the ‘basic necessities’—food, clothing, and education, for instance—had to take precedence over other expenses. In fact, meeting all their financial obligations was a constant struggle. That is, until BRIA Homes, the fastest-growing mass housing developer in the Philippines, came into the scene and resolutely sowed the idea that owning a home is a worthy and achievable goal for all hardworking Filipinos.

Today, BRIA Homes is relentlessly working to support this objective by building beautiful and safe BRIA communities in various towns and cities across the country.

Image may contain: sky, house, tree, cloud, plant and outdoor
Because BRIA Homes believes that owning a home is a worthy goal for all hardworking Filipinos, it’s building beautiful and safe BRIA communities in various towns and cities across the country. Check its eco-friendly spaces and sports facilities—fixtures in all communities. And enjoy its proximity to schools, hospitals, churches, and retail establishments. Features worth saving up for! To know more about BRIA Homes, call (0966) 277 5944, like “Bria Official” on Facebook, and follow “@TheBriaOfficial” on Twitter and Instagram.

Aligned with this, BRIA Homes urges Filipino families to begin saving up for a BRIA Homes unit with the help of their winning formula: Affordability (Mura) + Superior Quality (Dekalidad) = a Beautiful BRIA Home for Every Filipino.

Because this formula was made with the Filipino in mind, a BRIA condominium unit or house and lot package can be purchased for as low as P1,897 per month, an amount that is far less than the average cost of renting a tiny apartment.

BRIA believes that a little saving up can’t hurt, especially if cutting down on extraneous expenses and proper budget allocation will mean residing in a home they can call their own.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, house, sky and outdoor
RIA Homes urges Filipino families to begin saving up for a BRIA Homes unit with the help of their winning formula: Affordability (Mura) + Superior Quality (Dekalidad) = a Beautiful BRIA Home for Every Filipino. Because this formula was made with the Filipino in mind, a BRIA condominium unit or house and lot package can be purchased for as low as P1,897 per month. Know more about BRIA Homes, call (0966) 277 5944, like “Bria Official” on Facebook, and follow “@TheBriaOfficial” on Twitter and Instagram.

Aspiring BRIA homeowners can look forward to a healthy and wholesome lifestyle, with eco-friendly spaces and basketball courts as regular features in all communities. Proximity to schools, hospitals, churches, and retail establishments will likewise make life easy for them.

The safety and security of BRIA residents, a primary concern in these interesting times, will be ensured by perimeter fences, CCTVs, and guarded entrances and exits. Well-trained and courteous service staff will be on hand for maintenance issues.

Finally, all BRIA condominium units and house and lot packages will feature contemporary designs and cleverly laid-out interior spaces for the varying needs of Filipino households. Without a doubt, all these will make saving up for your own BRIA home a worthwhile endeavor.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, sky and outdoor
BRIA Homes, the fastest-growing mass housing developer in the Philippines, suggests that a little saving up can’t hurt, especially if cutting down on extraneous expenses and proper budget allocation will mean residing in a home they can call their own. To know more about BRIA Homes, call (0966) 277 5944, like “Bria Official” on Facebook, and follow “@TheBriaOfficial” on Twitter and Instagram.

BRIA Homes is a subsidiary of GOLDEN BRIA Holdings, Inc., considered the third largest real estate company in terms of market capitalization valued at more than P200B. The fastest-growing mass housing developer in the Philippines, BRIA Homes is primed to bring affordable house-and-lot packages and condominium units closer to ordinary Filipino families. This is the goal that drives every single employee in the company, for which the ultimate fulfillment is seeing a client happily moving into Bria’s homes.

To know more about BRIA Homes, call (0966) 277 5944, like “Bria Official” on Facebook, and follow “@TheBriaOfficial” on Twitter and Instagram.

I live with the mantra that "ambition without knowledge is like a boat in a dry land." In many ways I strive to be the best I can. I'm adventurous, genuine, generous warm spirited, eager to jump in action, and is driven by the desire of being loved and admired.

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